Wednesday, February 4, 2009

What to do for your child in a BAD economy

Today we are faced in the papers with the BAD Global Economy. Just about everyone I know is affected in one way or another. Some are losing jobs, other are getting more business due to the slowdowns.

Some parents who are reading this have their children in the martial arts, others are thinking about do so. But with today's restrictions on cash flow how do you know what activity is going to be best for your child? Let's face it there are so many to choose from. In Canada we have hockey, soccer, baseball, swimming, etc etc. Some parents just have their children stay at home and play on the computer or video games. But what is the best solution?

Last week I had a prospective parent call me asking about our classes. When he found out the costs he said that he can't justify spending that much money on something like karate. (if his child plays hockey it can cost up to $9000 per year). Sadly he doesn't understand the benefits of martial arts vs hockey or any other 'sport'.

When times are good and parents can spend money on just about any activity the choices are simple. In bad times parents must make a decision based on what is best for their child, "what are the real benefits for my son or daughter"?

What does the martial arts really do for a child? Here are some examples.

  • Increased FOCUS
  • Increased Self Esteem
  • Increased Physical Fitness
  • More confidence
  • Better listening skills
  • Self Control
  • Self Discipline
  • Energy and ambition
  • Goal setting skills
  • Leadership skills
  • Better communication skills
  • Better grades in school
  • Understand social behavior
  • etc, etc, etc

Do the arts really do all these things? YES and more! Do hockey and soccer accomplish these benefits? No they do not! Here is a testimonial on the benefits of martial arts training from one of my students parent. Others can be read on my website Art Mason's Peaceful Warriors' Martial Arts Institute.

"Special Thanks,

I am the mother of a boy, who after many diagnosis from several different doctors, was told my son has a number of behavioral disorders. As heartbreaking as that was to hear and deal with I was so relieved to finally find a place where my son was welcomed and not judged for his disability, but encouraged to thrive beyond expectations.

We tried everything from Cubs, Tee-ball, to city soccer league. While all of them were friendly and tried to work with my son, not one could keep his interest for any period of time. He would loose interest and walk off to do his own thing. He had no focus or ambition for anything he tried.

Then while searching the webs for something to help my son, I came across a website for The Peaceful Warriors'. The name alone made me feel comfort. I set up a meeting with Master Art and his son Master Curt. After talking to them and explaining my son's disorders, Master Art assured me that they were not worried about dealing with my sons unusual behaviors and with a very respectful confidence, he assured me my son would excel in his karate school.

I has been two and a half years since my son joined The Peaceful Warrior's school. He will soon become a Red Belt, is in the Black Belt Club, and on the Demo Team, by his own choice.

In less then three years at this school, my son has grown into a calmer, happier more pleasant person to be around. I believe that this school is more then that, they truly want to see children reach their full potential. They have made such a difference in our lives, they believe it takes a village to raise a healthy well rounded child, and they show it in many ways. The Peaceful Warriors' are always in touch with parents on the progress or need improvements of each child. They even ask for input from the child's grade or high school teachers, before they can advance to another belt.

Please believe me when I say that I tried everything to find positive outlets for my son's Hyperactive behavior and until I found The Peaceful Warriors' family, I though it was hopeless for my son to ever fit in anywhere.

So in closing, I give my most sincere thanks to the many Masters, instructors and people involved in The Peaceful Warriors' family. You all truly have made a positive difference in my family's lives..."

Sincerely - Claire Dupont, Windsor Ontario

After this recession/depression we are going through today, the children with the best life skills will prosper. Those with the best video game skills, hockey skills etc will NOT. If you need to make changes in your life to get your child involved in martial arts it is well worth it! The benefits will far and again out outweigh the costs of a great school.