Dear Parents,
When the SYSTEM diagnoses your child as having attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity it is devastating news. The doctor will often talk of drugs to keep the disorder in check. Despite the feeling of the parents at having their son or daughter on a lifetime of drugs the parents will take the advice. Why? Because they believe the story they are being told. Afteral the drugs do help? RIGHT?
As my children were growing up I heard similar stories from doctors and as a result I have little or no respect for that segment of the medical profession. Sorry to say it, but the DR. before someones name does cut it with me. 2 out of 3 of my own children were 'diagnosed' with various learning disabilities, and drugs were suggested. My children are all grown now and very successful in their fields, NO DRUGS.
I don't want to get on the soapbox too much here but remember our medical professionals basically work for the drug companies, so you know that the prescription pad comes out quickly.
Is their a solution? Yes, get your child involved in a martial arts program, the best one with the best instructors you can find! My school is in Windsor Ontario Canada, and most of my readers here are not even in this country, so I don't benefit from your enrolling your child in the arts. But it works!
WARNING! Martial Arts is not a QUICK FIX, the results take time! The real benefits of martial arts training comes over time and last because of this. I have seen parents bring children into a martial art school, see some result and say 'thank you' and remove their children thinking the results will last. They will disappear, just like they do now if you don't give your child the 'pill' in the morning. Over time, if your child is on medication, you could be able to wean them off, slowly. I have seen many, many children go from being dependent on the medication to not needing it anymore. But it takes times.
My next suggestion for this article, Mom and Dad READ EVERYTHING you can on the subject, especially that which talks about natural cures. I have some great links and information on my website below.
More to come,
Yours for building strong, confident children,
Master Art Mason
Founder: The Peaceful Warriors' Martial Arts Institute