Windsor Ontario -- Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) affects up to 5 percent of all North American children ages 5-18, according to Sports Illustrated For Kids writer Rose Kennedy. Furthermore, estimates range from one to four million youngsters take Ritalin, the drug of choice in treating ADD and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
One conclusion drawn from numerous studies is that children diagnosed with ADD or ADHD are more successful in structured activities.
ABC News correspondent Karen Chase writes, "It's so simple it's hard to believe, but the latest technique for combating the symptoms of ADD is martial arts." Parents see increased self-esteem and improved focus and concentration abilities in their children.
"Using mind-body disciplines, martial arts seem to address the short attention spans of today's children, even those diagnosed with ADHD," says a recent report by Boys diagnosed with ADHD outnumber girls three to one.
Many martial arts schools are teaching the principles advocated by Mr. Miyagi in the "Karate Kid" movies and moving away from the beat-em-up tactics portrayed in most other fictional karate and kung fu films. In an interview for Children Today, martial arts expert and author Joyce Roberson explains that "contrary to the visual perception of karate being a violent sport, the premiere dictate of this sport is nonviolence above all else."
One such place preaching "brain over brawn" is The Peaceful Warriors' Martial Arts Institute, located at 3850 Dougall Ave Unit 17 in Windsor Ontario. Founder Master Art Mason has been teaching martial arts for 20 years and began working with ADD and ADHD children in 1988. The Peaceful Warriors' Programs have been very successful helping these children adapt to not only school, but social life as well.
The Peaceful Warriors' Martial Arts Institute offers many different classes for children from all areas of life. One of the primary focuses in the school is teaching of the
5 tenets of the Peaceful Warriors'. These are Integrity, Courtesy, Self Control, Perserverence and Indomitable Spirit. Understanding and living these tenets help a child do well in all areas of their live.
"We teach our students to protect themselves in ways that are non-threatening and non-physical, leaving physical means as a last resort."
For further information on The Peaceful Warriors' Martial Arts Institute call our office at 519-962-9820 or visit us on the internet at
You can also email us at We have locations in Windsor, Belle River and Tecumseh ON.
Classes are available in Windsor, Belle River, Tecumseh Ontario Canada.
On the net at
For another DRUG FREE solution to ADD/ADHD check out this link
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