Saturday, September 8, 2007

Attention Deficit Disorder, the disease of the day

Dear Parents

Over the past 3 decades, attention deficit disorder (ADD) or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has emerged from the relative obscurity of psychologists' research laboratories to become the "disease of the day" of North America's school kids. Along with this popularity has been a totally complete acceptance of the validity of this "disorder" by scientists, physicians, psychologists, educators, parents, and others.

Upon closer critical examination, there is much to be alarmed about concerning ADD/ADHD as a real medical diagnosis. There are no definitive objective set of criteria to determine who has ADD/ADHD and who does not. Rather, instead, there are a loose set of behaviors (hyperactivity, distractibility, and impulsivity) that combine in different ways to give credibility to the "disorder."

These behaviors are highly opinion based. A child may be hyperactive while seated at a desk doing a boring math assignment, but not necessarily while preforming in a school play. These behaviors are also very general in nature and give no indications as to root cause. A child can be hyperactive because he's bored, depressed, anxious, allergic to milk, creative, upset, stressed out or any number of other causes.

The tests used to 'diagnoise' are not based on how the child is in the real work. This makes these tests and diagnoses soley based on the testers opinion and not any kind of actual fact. If you bore the child to death while testing them, you will get the result you are seeking.

The drugs used for this supposed disorder are also problematic. Ritalin use is up 500% over the past several years, yet it does not cure the problem, it only masks symptoms, and there are several disadvantages: kids don't like taking it, children use it as an "excuse" for their behavior ("I hit Fred because I forgot to take my pill."), and there are some indications it may be related to later substance abuse of drugs like cocaine in later life. While it is true that psychoactive medications properly prescribed and monitored by a physician can be an important tool to help some kids experience successes with teachers, parents, and peers, it still must be viewed as a last resort intervention and used with great caution.

Behavior modification programs used for kids labeled ADD/ADHD work, but they don't help kids become better learners. In fact, they may interfere with the development of a child's intrinsic love of learning (kids behave simply to get more rewards), they may frustrate some kids (when they don't get expected rewards), and they can also impair creativity and stifle cooperation.

Over the past few decades, our families have broken up, respect for authority has eroded, mass media has created a "short-attention-span culture," and stress levels have skyrocketed. When our children start to act out under the effects, it's convenient to create a scientific-sounding term to label them with, an effective drug to stifle their "symptoms."

Mainly, the ADD/ADHD label is a tragic decoy that takes the focus off of where it's needed most: the real life of each unique child. Instead of seeing each child for who he or she is (strengths, limitations, interests, temperaments, learning styles etc.) and addressing his or her specific needs, the child is reduced to an "ADD child," where the potential to see the best in him or her is severely eroded (since ADD/ADHD puts all the emphasis on the deficits, not the strengths), and where the number of potential solutions to help them is highly limited to a few child-controlling interventions. It gives the 'system' an excuse not to do their jobs.

Here are some suggestions to help your child cope with the situation and take control of it themselves.

  • Provide a balanced breakfast each and every day.
  • Cut the JUNK from his or her diet
  • Limit television and video games
  • Teach your child positive self talk.
  • Learn your child's interests.
  • Play physical games with your child.
  • Enroll your child in a martial arts program.
  • Use background music to focus and calm.
  • Use color to highlight information.
  • Teach your child to visualize.
  • Remove allergens from their environment.
  • Increase your child's self-esteem.
  • Find out when your child's most alert.
  • Provide a variety of stimulating learning activities.
  • Teach your child physical-relaxation techniques.
  • Provide positive role models.
  • Channel creative energy into the arts.
  • Provide hands-on activities
  • Spend positive times together.
  • Provide appropriate spaces for learning.
  • Teach your child focusing techniques or mediations.
  • Provide immediate feedback.
  • Teach problem-solving skills.
  • Offer your child real-life tasks to do.
  • Help your child develop social skills.
  • Use effective communication skills.
  • Hold a positive image of your child.
Yours in building strong kids,
Master Art Mason
Founder: The Peaceful Warriors' Martial Arts Institute

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Looking for ways to help

Dear Parents,

I spend a great amount of time each week searching for EXCELLENT resources to help parents deal with various issues and problems that come along the way raising children. Today with the need for both parents working, just to make ends meet, it is getting far more difficult to get the job done well. Our school system is underfunded, and classrooms over crowded. This makes it difficult for children to get what they need at school, especially if they are ADD / ADHD and a few other syndromes.

Here are some new resources I hope you will look at. They can also be found on our school website at

Control Your ADD, Control Your Life

Better Behavior Wheel, help for you in handling an ADD / ADHD Child

The Parenting Asperger's Resource Guide

Keep your eye on on website for frequent updates and information,

Yours in building strong kids,

Master Art Mason
Founder: The Peaceful Warriors' Martial Arts Institute

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Considerations in Treating Children with ADD / ADHD

Here are some important consideration in treating ADD / ADHD before you run to the drugstore.
  • Allergies; Especially Food Allergies. The best way to find out if your child is allergic to the foods he or she eats everyday is a food elimination diet. Look at the common food allergens first. milk and dairy, wheat, peanuts, corn, chocolate, sugar, soda pop, citrus, eggs, food dyes, additives and preservatives.
  • Nutritional Deficiencies - Especially brain nutrients like the B vitamins, B1, B3, B6 and B12. Also choline, inositol, calcium, magnesium, selenium, ZINC, manganese, potassium, iron EFA's, vitamin C, lecithin.
  • Overuse of Antibiotics - How often does the doctor put your child on antibiotic. If here or she does this often, my advice is look for an new MD! Repeated treatments with antibiotics wipe out the beneficial micro-organisms in the intestinal tract. This always an overgrowth of CANDIDA and other bacteria in the body. The body becomes ACID. Your body needs to be ALKALINE to function properly.
  • Over stimulation with Electronic Media - Look at our society, we are overweight, over stressed and have no imagination any longer. By statistics the average American child will have watch 7 years of TV by the time they are 18. Do you see a problem? Say NO to excessive TV, Computer Games, Cell Phones, hand held games etc. I am not even going to talk about radiation!
  • Toxic Pollution - Toxins come into our live via the air, water and food! There is little we can do about some of this. However if we change the way we live our body has the tools to fight these toxins off and remove them from the body. But first we need to alkalize our bodies with the right foods and plenty of WATER.
Let's not forget the exercise! Get your children involved in something that will increase their focus, imagination, fitness level and build their confidence! Check out the website below if you have not already done so. Martial Arts is great for kids with ADD / ADHD.
Yours in building strong focused kids,
Master Art Mason
Founder: The Peaceful Warriors' Martial Arts Institute

A Brain Disorder with a biological basis

Dear Parents,

More than 7,000,000 North American children are currently taking Ritalin daily to help them with attention deficit disorders. However back 100 years ago this 'disorder' did not exist. Why? 100 years ago there was no food additives, chemical pollution, drugs, refined sugar products, process foods, television and computer games. Interesting isn't it?

The cause of these disorders points to toxicity and / or deficiency in the body. In the causes with hyperactivity, consumption of food additives, sugar, and food allergies seem to be responsible for the problems in the majority of children. Often the parents have no idea. In cases of ADD, repeated and overuse of antibiotics, heavy metal toxicity and nutritional deficiencies are the root cause. Low vitamin B as an example.

ADD/ADHD is manifest in the central nervous system causing symptoms like brain fog, mood swings, tearfulness, aggressive behavior, hyper activity, headaches, ear infections, bed-wetting, digestive disorders, short attention spans, learning problems, respiratory problems, anger and depression, the list goes on.

Hyperactivity can be controlled by diet, but the parent or guardian MUST take responsibly to correct this. Health is far more important than a child's want or need for candy or other sugary substances. I have had parents say to me that their children don't get candy, but if you examine their diet, the sugar comes from other sources.

As for ADD what is a better solution than that being offer by the medical field? First, find our if your child does have food allergies, and get this stuff out of the house!

Now we know that ADD affects the central nervous system of the child. Our next step must be HYDRATION. You child need WATER, not milk, pop, koolaid or juice, WATER. I deal with children day in and day out. I would say that 90% are dehydrated. Water will clean the organs of the body, remove heavy metals over time and help the nervous system of the body function.
Get the B vitamins into your child's diet! B1, B3, B 6 and B12. You will see an improvement quickly if you do. Especially in mood.

In the next posting I am going to give a breakdown that will help solve this problem. If you child is in a martial arts program already, AWESOME, get them to class regularly! If not, look into it. Martial Arts helps the mind and body work together and focus.

Remember drugs are man made chemicals. They cure nothing. Diet is the number one way to combat any bodily disorder.

Yours in building strong focuses children,

Master Art Mason
Founder: The Peaceful Warrior's Martial Arts Institute

Friday, August 31, 2007

The Benefits to my ADD/ADHD child.

Dear Parents,

When the SYSTEM diagnoses your child as having attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity it is devastating news. The doctor will often talk of drugs to keep the disorder in check. Despite the feeling of the parents at having their son or daughter on a lifetime of drugs the parents will take the advice. Why? Because they believe the story they are being told. Afteral the drugs do help? RIGHT?

As my children were growing up I heard similar stories from doctors and as a result I have little or no respect for that segment of the medical profession. Sorry to say it, but the DR. before someones name does cut it with me. 2 out of 3 of my own children were 'diagnosed' with various learning disabilities, and drugs were suggested. My children are all grown now and very successful in their fields, NO DRUGS.

I don't want to get on the soapbox too much here but remember our medical professionals basically work for the drug companies, so you know that the prescription pad comes out quickly.

Is their a solution? Yes, get your child involved in a martial arts program, the best one with the best instructors you can find! My school is in Windsor Ontario Canada, and most of my readers here are not even in this country, so I don't benefit from your enrolling your child in the arts. But it works!

WARNING! Martial Arts is not a QUICK FIX, the results take time! The real benefits of martial arts training comes over time and last because of this. I have seen parents bring children into a martial art school, see some result and say 'thank you' and remove their children thinking the results will last. They will disappear, just like they do now if you don't give your child the 'pill' in the morning. Over time, if your child is on medication, you could be able to wean them off, slowly. I have seen many, many children go from being dependent on the medication to not needing it anymore. But it takes times.

My next suggestion for this article, Mom and Dad READ EVERYTHING you can on the subject, especially that which talks about natural cures. I have some great links and information on my website below.

More to come,

Yours for building strong, confident children,

Master Art Mason
Founder: The Peaceful Warriors' Martial Arts Institute

Monday, August 27, 2007

More information on Attention Deficit Disorder and Martial Arts

Dear Parents,

Sadly the book "A Parents' Guide to Martial Arts" is no long available directly from amazon. I had attempted to provide a link directly to the book with no results.

If you would like more information on how the Martial Arts can benefit your child with attention deficit disorder please visit our website at There you can join a mail list that will provide information on how the martial arts can help your son or daughter with ADD/ADHD. There is also an excellent mail list available there as well.

For more general information on martial arts programs for children go to Email us with any questions you might have.

Yours for building strong children,

Master Art Mason
Founder: The Peaceful Warriors' Martial Arts Institute

Martial Arts and ADD/ADHD Kids Part 3

Subject: Re: martial arts and ADD/ADHD

Date: Tue, 10 Nov 1998 00:13:28 EST

> From: "Ruth S. Hunter"
> Subject: martial arts and ADD/ADHD
> Martial Arts and Children with ADD/ADHD Children diagnosed with
> ADD/ADHD can successfully participate and benefit from martial arts
> classes.
> ....

Martial Arts is great for ADD issues mainly because it balances the left and right hemispheres through the corpus colosum by providing a clear supply route of neurotransmitters to each side of the brain. The BRAIN GYM technique explores this well Thanks Mark Ungar


Date: Tue, 17 Nov 1998 09:43:00 -0700 (MST)
Message-Id: <>
From: Mark Gold
Subject: ADD Martial Arts Visiting Expert

Here is a quote from a Feb. 1998 article about martial arts and

"Karate school is so structured that it's a stabilizing influence
on ADD kids -- sometimes dramatically so," says Elisa Hendrey,
a third-degree black belt in shotokan karate who teaches on
Long Island, New York. "Kids come in looking out the window,
wiggling, staring into space, and in a couple months you forget
they ever had a problem."

Best Wishes,
- Mark
Home of ADD/ADHD Holistic Mailing List
Send the message: subscribe


Date: Wed, 25 Nov 1998 11:17:19 -0700 (MST)
Message-Id: <>
From: "Ruth S. Hunter"
Subject: Re: Martial Arts & ADD (Questions for Ruth Hunter)

Date: Mon, 23 Nov 1998 10:52:49 -0600

Dear Mark

I apologize for being unable to get back to you - quickly!
In my opinion, the martial arts can help almost everybody. One challenge for adults with ADD is that over time they've developed ways to compensate. These ways may or may not get in the way of learning the martial arts. At the same time, it's theorized many adults with ADD aren't diagnosed. And it's a good chance many of these adults are already in the martial arts.
But as the martial arts help children focus and concentrate, the martial arts can help adults do the same.

You seem to have found Turtle Press' web site. Let me know if you still need it. I don't have my own site. I know the book can be ordered through Turtle Press and any book store. In addition, it's been picked up by Barnes & Noble as well as Borders.

There's a group here who would like to develop a brochure on this issue. It will take a long time - based on our schedules. Have you thought about who is going to design and pay for it - layout, printing, etc., and who would distribute it?

One more thing I found.
There's been a web site set up for the book. Do you have this address?
Take care. Thanks again for the opportunity to "speak" with your group.


Ruth Hunter


Date: Fri, 27 Nov 1998 14:04:09 -0700 (MST)
From: "bgmoore3"
Subject: Re: Martial Arts & ADD (Questions for Ruth Hunter)

Date: Thu, 26 Nov 1998 10:48:11 -0800

WHAT IS THE NAME OF THE BOOK? And what about us ADD'ers who have no coordination and hate exercise? (I'm not sure the latter isn't the result of always being the least athletic person in my class--I'm not one to stick to things that I can't do well--poor character, I guess.) My daughter, whose son we suspect has ADD, has been considering martial arts classes simply to improve his self-confidence (He's only six), but this would be an
added benefit. I'd appreciate information concerning any
resources in this
area. SANDRA


Date: Fri, 27 Nov 1998 14:27:13 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Re: Martial Arts & ADD (Questions for Ruth Hunter)

>Date: Fri, 27 Nov 1998 14:04:09 -0700 (MST)
>From: "bgmoore3"
>Subject: Re: Martial Arts & ADD (Questions for Ruth Hunter)


"Parents' Guide to Martial Arts" by Ruth Hunter & Debra Fritsch Please click on the book cover at the following web page address:

> And what about us ADD'ers who have no coordination and hate exercise?

Unfortunately, Ruth Hunter has left the list. She was only scheduled to be on the list for one week as a Visiting Expert. So, you may want to email her with your followup question.

From my limited experience with martial arts (taekwon do, kung fu, qigong, aikido), I know that classes can vary enormously. My taekwon do class was some exercise intensive and competitive. The aikido class was intense and highly competitive -- which is unusual for aikido classes as far as I understand (and which is probably why I didn't stay long). The Kung Fu class was focused on forms and had only a moderate amount of exercise and was not competitive. The qigong classes I have had involved little or no exercise. Tai chi, is one aspect of qigong which can be practiced by those who don't like heavy aerobic exercise and aren't particularly coodinated.

Ms. Hunter's book goes into more detail about the different types of modalities and classes.

Best Wishes,
- Mark
Holistic Healing Web Page
Home of ADD/ADHD Holistic Mailing List
Send the message: subscribe


That wraps it up for the moment,

Yours for building strong, confident children,

Master Art Mason
Founder: The Peaceful Warriors' Martial Arts Institute

Martial Arts and ADD/ADHD Kids Part 2

Date: Mon, 9 Nov 1998 08:16:45 -0700 (MST)
From: "Ruth S. Hunter"
Subject: martial arts and ADD/ADHD

Date: Mon, 9 Nov 1998 07:45:23 -0600

Martial Arts and Children with ADD/ADHD

Children diagnosed with ADD/ADHD can successfully participate and benefit from martial arts classes.

One young man with ADD, now in his teens, began when he was five years old. When he was six, he wanted to compete in tournaments so he could win trophies.
And the trophies and titles added up. He has won over 215 trophies at national, regional and state tournaments. He ranked first in the nation in forms and weapons in 1992, and first in forms in 1993 and 1995.
Immediately before each competitive event, the young man prepares himself, using his own method. Right before I compete, I like to be by myself, concentrate and clear my mind, and listen to upbeat music to get my adrenaline going.
During the tournament season, he trains one-on-one with the instructor in addition to taking regular classes. He is not being singled out because he was diagnosed with ADD. Most of the serious competitors train with coaches.
Along the way, he found that karate, the martial art he studies, gives him more than trophies and titles. The biggest things karate has done has helped me with my concentration and discipline, he said.

As one martial arts instructor explained, AAttention deficit is like having 47 things coming into your mind at all times. They cannot complete the entire thought process before another comes in.
Since all sounds and movements have the same impact and nothing is filtered out, these children have a hard time staying focused.
For many affected youngsters, the martial arts has proven to be extremely successful in providing a structured, fast-paced framework which helps them learn to function and feel good about themselves. By its very format, martial arts classes help children stay on task.
In this article, I'm using the educational definition of modality which is audio/visual/kinesthetic. Martial arts are multi-sensory, combining all three modalities in classes. When introducing a new technique, the instructor will tell the class what to do, demonstrate it and often (especially in the beginning classes) perform the technique with the students. As they advance, students can be given a verbal command, such as performing their own combinations of kicks and punches across the floor. The students have to decide what to do. It's difficult for everyone, not just children with ADD/ADHD.

The structured class format helps students succeed.

Instructors must keep classes focused and disciplined in order for children with ADD/ADHD to succeed. Students stand in straight lines according to rank Thereis a specific, detailed manner with which they address upper belts and instructors The instructor usually gives concise commands and directions. Children learn what to expect and find comfort and room to grow within the structure.

The instructor provides a focus point at the front and center of the room. Children with ADD/ADHD should be positioned directly in front of the instructor and away from mirrors.
Students are constantly moving and are constantly mentally challenged in classes and in the special tests that they take to promote to another belt level. A mother of a boy with ADD and
very unexcitable found the classes stimulated him and helped him to respond to others.
Critiques. Instructors provide positive enforcement of what each child does well and gives each student something to work on. One mother of a child with ADHD, said, AThe martial arts stretched his level of concentration, and he responded very well to encouragement from the instructor. The instructor should always give constructive, positive feedback.

Students with ADD/ADHD should always be treated the same as other students. E.g., they will be assigned push-ups just like anyone else for not following certain expectations. They shouldn't be singled out or given special attention. Classes provide physical and mental learning. Students are constantly given a variety of training drills. Instructors must set individual goals for students. The goals will be kept simple, such as kicking higher or kicking faster, breaking a board, learning a new technique.

The martial arts motivates students to achieve their goals (such as attaining higher belt ranks and competing in tournaments). Instructors will talk with parents on children's progress toward
their goals. The martial arts constantly builds confidence in students. The children find they can succeed at something difficult.

Often, because of ADD or ADHD, the children are criticized or made fun of. In the martial arts, with the right school and instructor, children's self-confidence grows and transfers to arenas outside of martial arts class.

One mother watched her son's self-confidence improve when he took the forms learned in tae kwon do, put them to music and performed them in his elementary school's talent shows.

Before starting their children in the martial arts, parents should interview the owner/instructors at several martial arts schools to discover which school is more prepared to work with their children and is willing to do so. Some schools have studied ADHD, prepared appropriate teaching methods and taught all of the instructors in the school to work with these children.

Martial arts is another venue through which children can build their self-confidence and concentration skills. It supplements what parents are already doing through diet and medication.

I'd like to particularly thank Penny Duggan, master instructor at Kim's Tae Kwon Do, and Barbara Natelle, Ph.D., associate director of the Adaptive Education program at St. Norbert College.

Master Art Mason
Founder: The Peaceful Warriors' Martial Arts Institute

Martial Arts and ADD/ADHD Kids Part 1

This is a copy of some email re-printed from the ADD/ADHD Holistic Mailing List. It is some very interesting reading on the benefits of martial arts training for children with ADD/ADHD. I would welcome any feedback you have have on this information.

Date: Sun, 8 Nov 1998 22:24:23 -0700 (MST)
Message-Id: <>
From: Mark Gold
Subject: ADD Introduction of Visiting Expert


I am honored to introduce our next Visiting Expert, Ruth Hunter, co-author of "Parents' Guide to Martial Arts."

Several months ago I read an article in a physician's office about significant positive changes in ADD children who take martial arts classes. There has been mention of positive results on this group as well.
Because of her expertise on martial arts, selecting martial arts schools, and martial arts and ADD, I was very excited when Ruth Hunter agreed to be the Visiting Expert on ADD-Holistic.


Ruth Hunter is the co-author of two books: "Parents' Guide to Martial Arts" and "A Part of the Ribbon: A Time-Travel Action Adventure Through the History of Korea" (for ages 9 and above). She is a regular columnist for Taekwondo Reporter newspaper and has had article published in national trade magazines and national newsletters.

Ms. Hunter is the Interim Director of Communication and Media Relations at St. Norbert College in De Pere, Wis. St. Norbert College, a Catholic, liberal arts and sciences college, offers the only mainland Master of Science in Adaptive Education degree. (She quote people from that program in the book, as well as interviewed instructors across the United States who work with children with ADD/ADHD.

She has studied the martial arts (tae kwon do) for 9 years and is a second-degree black belt.

Please join me in welcoming Ruth Hunter to the ADD-Holistic Internet Discussion Group as the honored Visiting Expert! [clap, clap, clap!]

Best Wishes,
- Mark
Home of ADD/ADHD Holistic Mailing List
Send the message: subscribe


Master Art Mason
Founder: The Peaceful Warriors' Martial Arts Institute

More on ADHD

Dear Parents,
I recently came across some amazing information on how to cure ADHD problems without using DRUGS.
Check out this LINK and let me know what you think!
Yours for building strong kids,
Master Art Mason

Friday, August 24, 2007


Does your child suffer from ADD or ADHD? Are you tired of
conventional methods of dealing with the problem? Are you
against the use to 'drugs' to combat the effects of ADD/ADHD?

Check this link out!

Well, there is an alternative! Have you considered martial arts? Martial
Arts lesson have proven time and time again to help children with
focus, self confidence, self disipline and behaviour management.

How is this done? In our school, we teach karate, martial arts, tae
kwon do, or whatever title you wish to use, in a personal setting, with
a low teacher / child ratio to see that your child gets the attention they
deserve. Children with ADD/ADHD are often above average in intelligence,
and need a positive role model to help them build the desire to excel in
everything they do!

We teach children to realistic and attainable goals, and help make sure
they reach them! Fast pace classes with constant challanges help hold
the childs attention longer, thus creating an interest to improve! As self
confidence improves, so does FOCUS!

Come into our school, talk with other parents, try our 2 free intro classes
and see if you think our school can make a different for your child.

"Karate is the best thing you will ever do for your child!"...Chuck Norris

Call today, (519) 962-9820 or visit us on the web at the following:

Fill in the information and receive a doctors report sent to your email on
the benefits of karate training for child with ADD/ADHD

We have locations in Windsor, Belle River, Essex and Tecumseh Ontario.

Let us show you what a difference the martial arts (karate) can make in your
childs life!

Yours in the arts,

Master Art Mason
Founder: The Peaceful Warriors' Martial Arts Institute
Windsor, Belle River

Monday, August 13, 2007

Another Great Blog

Take a look at this one!

Autism and the Martial Arts

This article was re-printed from

Nikolas, 8, has autism but loves karate

LACEY TOWNSHIP, New Jersey, USA: When Jennifer Zeller saw her eight-year-old autistic son receive three first-place trophies at a karate tournament, she knew she had done the right thing.

"I was so tearful with joy and don't think I have ever been more touched and proud at the same time," Zeller wrote in a letter to the editor of a local newspaper in the hope that it would encourage parents in similar situations to let their children try new activities.

"The Grandmaster called over a team of judges from another ring to come over and 'judge,' while he himself took my son, Nikolas, to the ring and personally administered his three events privately before the other children arrived at the ring. Nikolas was beside himself with glee when the judges all gave him '8.0s'," Zeller wrote.

Zeller, who lives in Lacey Township's Forked River section, enrolled Nikolas in the Kum Sung karate school on Hooper Avenue in the Toms River section of Dover Township.

"Martial arts are good for special-needs kids. I felt it would be good for him," Zeller said in an interview May 20.

She and her son were turned down at another school. According to Zeller, the instructors there said Nikolas monopolised their time and they didn't feel they could meet his needs.

At Kum Sung, it was a different story. "The owner, she was so open. She never even gave it a second thought," Zeller said.

Youn Kum Sung runs Kum Sung Martial Arts, which has several locations, with her husband, who goes by Master Kum Sung because he said his first name can be a bit confusing.

Master Kum Sung said his teaching philosophy focused on the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of martial arts, and respect for others was the first thing taught.

"We stress equality. If you don't respect other people, then you don't respect yourself," Master Kum Sung said.

Lack of respect leads to anger and violence, which is especially dangerous when combined with martial arts techniques, he said.

Nikolas was treated no differently from any other child of his age, Kum Sung said. He said about 80 per cent of his students, and even some instructors, were classified as having special needs in some way, including attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and Down's syndrome.

Kum Sung said that learning a martial art was good for people with special needs because "it helps them to feel confident. They know they don't fit in or are a little slow. When they learn a martial art, it makes them feel proud. They fit in."

And Nikolas appears to have found his niche.

"He feels just like the other kids," Zeller said.

Some of the other students in the class are taking a liking to him, such as one girl whose brother has autism.

"She's taken it upon herself to mentor him," Zeller said.

According to Kum Sung, Nikolas also might feel just like everyone else because of how his parents treat him.

"Sometimes, it's the parents who are being handicapped by babying their children. Nikolas's parents do a wonderful job," he said. "They ask for no special favours."

He also said that Nikolas had earned those trophies himself.

"He is very excited to learn. He is eager to learn. He is just like any other kid," Master Kum Sung said.

Still, Zeller is touched by what Master Kum Sung did at the tournament.

"I think everyone who saw it was proud, even if they didn't know Nikolas. It was so surprising to me that someone with hundreds of students there took the time to personally give my son his own mini tournament before the other kids arrived so he could get 'first place!'" Zeller wrote in her letter.

"I think the Kum Sungs deserve to be recognised for their human compassion ... I would love them to get a newspaper write-up with how they gave my son, Nikolas, a better gift than anything you can wrap in a box with a bow — acceptance and self-esteem!"

(Source: Asbury Park Press, June 3, 2006)

For more information on classes and resources go to

Martial Arts and Children with ADHD

Martial Arts / Karate can Help Children With ADD And ADHD

Windsor Ontario -- Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) affects up to 5 percent of all North American children ages 5-18, according to Sports Illustrated For Kids writer Rose Kennedy. Furthermore, estimates range from one to four million youngsters take Ritalin, the drug of choice in treating ADD and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

One conclusion drawn from numerous studies is that children diagnosed with ADD or ADHD are more successful in structured activities.

ABC News correspondent Karen Chase writes, "It's so simple it's hard to believe, but the latest technique for combating the symptoms of ADD is martial arts." Parents see increased self-esteem and improved focus and concentration abilities in their children.

"Using mind-body disciplines, martial arts seem to address the short attention spans of today's children, even those diagnosed with ADHD," says a recent report by Boys diagnosed with ADHD outnumber girls three to one.

Many martial arts schools are teaching the principles advocated by Mr. Miyagi in the "Karate Kid" movies and moving away from the beat-em-up tactics portrayed in most other fictional karate and kung fu films. In an interview for Children Today, martial arts expert and author Joyce Roberson explains that "contrary to the visual perception of karate being a violent sport, the premiere dictate of this sport is nonviolence above all else."

One such place preaching "brain over brawn" is The Peaceful Warriors' Martial Arts Institute, located at 1625 Tecumseh Road East in Windsor Ontario. Founder Master Art Mason has been teaching martial arts for 20 years and began working with ADD and ADHD children in 1988. The Peaceful Warriors' Programs have been very successful helping these children adapt to not only school, but social life as well.

The Peaceful Warriors' Martial Arts Institute offers many different classes for children from all areas of life. One of the primary focuses in the school is teaching of the

5 tenets of the Peaceful Warriors'. These are Integrity, Courtesy, Self Control, Perseverance and Indomitable Spirit. Understanding and living these tenets help a child do well in all areas of their live.

"We teach our students to protect themselves in ways that are non-threatening and non-physical, leaving physical means as a last resort."

For further information on The Peaceful Warriors' Martial Arts Institute call our office at 519-962-9820 or visit us on the internet at

You can also email us at We have locations in Windsor, Belle River and Tecumseh ON.

Classes are available in Windsor, Belle River, Tecumseh Ontario Canada.

On the net at

For another DRUG FREE solution to ADD/ADHD check out this link

Friday, August 10, 2007

Watch our Website


I am always looking for new resources to help parent with the battle against various learning disabilities.

There is always a way!

Keep your eyes on our WEBSITE and join the mail list there.

Yours for building Strong, Confident children,

Master Art Mason

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Kid's and Autism

Look Inside To Find All The Information You Need To Know About Autism!

Dear Friend:

If you want to find all the information you need to know about autism quickly and without any hassle, then please keep reading, as this may be the most important article you have ever read about autism.

Why do we say this? Well, because we know that you want to learn to take better care of your autistic child, and we have the solution you’ve been looking for!

See, we know how hard it is to find out that your child is autistic, and although it’s taken a while, we have created the perfect answer for you! Now, you can finally gain knowledge of what to do if your child is autistic and learn how to cope with autism.

To People Who Want To Find All The Information They Need To Know About Autism -- But Can't Get Started

You may be wondering who we are to say we can solve your problem. Well, we have written a book to help you understand your child’s condition and find out what you can do to help him. As you can see, we’re very qualified to show you the ropes, and have the experience and knowledge to help you!

Now you probably want to know exactly what you’ll get from our e-book. Well, here’s just a quick sample of what you’ll discover:

* What autism is

* Where you can get help

* How to overcome your grief and move forward

* The diet that is good for your autistic child

* How to learn sign language and teach it to your child

* And much more…

The Complete Guide To Learn How To Take Care Of Your Autistic Child

How about it? We told you our e-book is the best thing to help you take care of your autistic child! We know you want ALL the details about My Child Is Autistic …so you can get your concerns addressed immediately!

Finally get everything you've been looking for! Now you can get exactly what you want for a fraction of the cost, and without the countless hours it would take to put this all together on your own!

So, we’re going to send you directly to the web page that explains My Child Is Autistic in complete detail. Everything about My Child Is Autistic is right here for you NOW!

If this sounds like we’ve got what you’ve been seeking, all you gotta do is click below to get ALL the nitty gritty details:

click here

Martial Arts / Karate can Help Children With ADD And ADHD

Windsor Ontario -- Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) affects up to 5 percent of all North American children ages 5-18, according to Sports Illustrated For Kids writer Rose Kennedy. Furthermore, estimates range from one to four million youngsters take Ritalin, the drug of choice in treating ADD and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

One conclusion drawn from numerous studies is that children diagnosed with ADD or ADHD are more successful in structured activities.

ABC News correspondent Karen Chase writes, "It's so simple it's hard to believe, but the latest technique for combating the symptoms of ADD is martial arts." Parents see increased self-esteem and improved focus and concentration abilities in their children.

"Using mind-body disciplines, martial arts seem to address the short attention spans of today's children, even those diagnosed with ADHD," says a recent report by Boys diagnosed with ADHD outnumber girls three to one.

Many martial arts schools are teaching the principles advocated by Mr. Miyagi in the "Karate Kid" movies and moving away from the beat-em-up tactics portrayed in most other fictional karate and kung fu films. In an interview for Children Today, martial arts expert and author Joyce Roberson explains that "contrary to the visual perception of karate being a violent sport, the premiere dictate of this sport is nonviolence above all else."

One such place preaching "brain over brawn" is The Peaceful Warriors' Martial Arts Institute, located at 3850 Dougall Ave Unit 17 in Windsor Ontario. Founder Master Art Mason has been teaching martial arts for 20 years and began working with ADD and ADHD children in 1988. The Peaceful Warriors' Programs have been very successful helping these children adapt to not only school, but social life as well.

The Peaceful Warriors' Martial Arts Institute offers many different classes for children from all areas of life. One of the primary focuses in the school is teaching of the
5 tenets of the Peaceful Warriors'. These are Integrity, Courtesy, Self Control, Perserverence and Indomitable Spirit. Understanding and living these tenets help a child do well in all areas of their live.

"We teach our students to protect themselves in ways that are non-threatening and non-physical, leaving physical means as a last resort."

For further information on The Peaceful Warriors' Martial Arts Institute call our office at 519-962-9820 or visit us on the internet at
You can also email us at We have locations in Windsor, Belle River and Tecumseh ON.

Classes are available in Windsor, Belle River, Tecumseh Ontario Canada.

On the net at

For another DRUG FREE solution to ADD/ADHD check out this link

Does your child suffer from ADD or ADHD?

Does your child suffer from ADD or ADHD? Are you tired of
conventional methods of dealing with the problem? Are you
against the use to 'drugs' to combat the effects of ADD/ADHD?

Check this link out!

Well, there is an alternative! Have you considered martial arts? Martial
Arts lesson have proven time and time again to help children with
focus, self confidence, self discipline and behavior management.

How is this done? In our school, we teach karate, martial arts, tae
kwon do, or whatever title you wish to use, in a personal setting, with
a low teacher / child ratio to see that your child gets the attention they
deserve. Children with ADD/ADHD are often above average in intelligence,
and need a positive role model to help them build the desire to excel in
everything they do!

We teach children to realistic and attainable goals, and help make sure
they reach them! Fast pace classes with constant challanges help hold
the childs attention longer, thus creating an interest to improve! As self
confidence improves, so does FOCUS!

Come into our school, talk with other parents, try our 2 free intro classes
and see if you think our school can make a different for your child.

"Karate is the best thing you will ever do for your child!"...Chuck Norris

Call today, (519) 962-9820 or visit us on the web at the following:

Fill in the information and receive a doctors report sent to your email on
the benefits of karate training for child with ADD/ADHD

We have locations in Windsor, Belle River, and Tecumseh Ontario.

Let us show you what a difference the martial arts (karate) can make in your
childs life!

Yours in the arts,

Master Art Mason
Founder: The Peaceful Warriors' Martial Arts Institute
Windsor, Belle River

The Challenge of ADD/ADHD Kids

Does your child stare aimlessly at something while you are talking to them? Do you get letters from teachers stating that your child is always talking, when he/she should be listening. Are they horse playing when there suppose to be still? Does this sound like your 6 or 7 year old? If it does, then they could be that they suffer from ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), or a microbiological disability that interferes with an individual’s ability to sustain attention and to control impulsive behavior.

This is a disorder very common with our children today. Especially between the ages of five through eighteen. ADD affects five percent of all Canadian children. It affects their minds by interfering with their focus. Which is something important to do well in school and progress in life. Without focus, they cannot concentrate or follow adequate directions.

That is why it is vital for them to learn to stay focused, ....and it can be taught! Also, ADD children are easily bored, and this is where the problem arises. Children with this attention disorder often times start to have a hyperactivity disorder or ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). This is when these children become hard to control. They are impatient, irritable, and outbursts of temper tantrums becomes a habit. This can make it extremely difficult for them to concentrate, sit still, and follow directions.

Child Psychologists, and researchers who are in that field of study are not positive what really causes this disorder and this kind behaviour. Symptoms such as impairments of perception, language, memory, and motor skills, low degree of attention span, impulsive behavior and hyperactivity are often treated with drugs. We at Peaceful Warriors' feel that this is just a masking of the symptoms by loading the child up with something that is not necessary for their small bodies. We, as well as many professional researchers believe that Martial Arts training can be a wonderful cure and fulfilling experienced for children diagnosed with ADD.

Martial Arts has the perfect elements necessary to teach them all about control and how to modify their behavior. Its structured forms and techniques teaches children how to concentrate on what they’re doing. First of all, it offers the students a choice of short term goals such as being from one belt level to the next belt level, or from being a beginner belt level to the ultimate black belt. Each child in Martial Arts is responsible for his/her own progress level therefore, this gives them a sense of responsibility and a feeling of leadership to which they can apply it to the control of their behavior.

Also, the classes are broken down into segments, with different high energy activities in each segment. This keeps the children with ADHD that have short attention spans from being bored. In Martial Arts, they use their abundant energy towards their efforts to kick, punch, and yell. We offer structured drills that are fun and exciting so that they will consider it games, rather than work that they have to do. The catch to these “games” are that there are certain rules that they must follow in order to win. Of course, wanting to win, they must listen carefully to be able to perform the task. Then they receive an award of some sort to congratulate them. They learn to be appreciative, and want to win more and more. In addition to the drills being fun and exciting, they are on going whereas to a baseball game that there is plenty of time to wait thus misbehave.

Another benefit in Martial Arts is that patience is an attribute among all our Peaceful Warriors' instructors. Our instructors have learned to use of concept of Praise, Correct, and Praise. In other words, we understand that children with ADD and ADHD are easily discouraged, and criticism is a delicate subject. Peaceful Warriors' instructors know to find a way to praise even if the child’s technique is not perfect. Then they correct, and then praise again. This means a lot to the children because they can see that there is someone that recognizes their efforts.

Martial Arts attain many attributes that can help a child with ADD or ADHD. We can teach them to divide and conquer by teaching them to slow down when they’re going to fast, to concentrate, to focus, to pay attention with forms, and to win themselves over for confidence and to win in life.

For more information on the benefits of martial arts training, visit our website at, email or call 519-962-9820.

Also to find a more information on a DRUG FREE solution to ADD/ADHD follow this link:

Yours in developing strong, confident children,

Master Art Mason

Building Rock Solid Kids


Check this link out! This book is amazing!!!!

Yours for building strong children,

Master Art Mason

Website for Martial Arts and ADD/ADHD

We have an excellent website with resources for children and parents dealing with ADD/ADHD. Check this site out and join our mailing list. We will keep you up to date on what is going on with ADD/ADHD and ways to deal with this without drugs!

Yours for building strong children,

Master Art Mason
Founder: The Peaceful Warriors' Martial Arts Institute

Friday, August 3, 2007

Advice on ADHD Kids

Proven Advice To Use Safe And Time Tested Techniques To Deal With ADD Problems And Get Cool, Calm And Collected Kids For Life -- By An Expert!

Dear Friend:

If you want to permanently cure your kids ADD/ADHD problems, easily and quickly, then please keep reading, as this may be the most important article you have ever read about finding out about ADD/ADHD!

Why do we say this? Well, because we know that you want your kids to have a normal life, and we have the solution you’ve been looking for!

See, we know how hard it is to put kids on medications and into therapy, and although it’s taken a while, we have created the perfect answer for you! Now, you can use our booklet to learn effective techniques and methods to have cool, calm and collected kids for life without medications and their nasty side affects!

What Everybody Ought To Know -- About How To Use Safe And Time Tested Techniques To Deal With ADD Problems!

You may be wondering who we are to say we can solve your problem? Well, we’ve developed a program from personal experience that treats hyperactive, inattentive and unorganized kids and makes them cool, calm and collected. As you can see, we’re very qualified to show you the ropes, and have the experience and knowledge to help you!

Now that we’ve covered who we are and why we can help you so much, you probably want to know exactly what you’ll get from our booklet. Well, here’s just a quick sample of what you’ll discover:

§ Know how the brain functions and how it causes ADD!

§ Meet the nutritional needs of your child!

§ Learn to focus adult minds for success!

§ Improve a student’s concentration levels for higher academic achievement!

§ Know how healthy eating can alleviate the situation!

§ And much, much more!

Don't Wait Another Moment! Get Cool, Calm And Collected Kids For Life!

How about it? We told you our booklet is the best thing to find out about ADD/ADHD symptoms and treatment methods! We know you want ALL the details about C3 Kids Natural Results…so you can get your concerns addressed immediately!

Finally get everything you've been looking for! Now you can get exactly what you want for a fraction of the cost, and without the countless hours it would take to put this all together on your own!

So, we’re going to send you directly to the web page that explains C3 Kids Natural Results in complete detail. Everything about C3 Kids Natural Results is right here for you NOW!

If this sounds like we’ve got what you’ve been seeking, all you gotta do is click below to get ALL the nitty gritty details:

click here